I am writing this article on the eve of what I believe will be the most important election of my lifetime in Western society.
The US presidential election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will mean real changes in how Western Society’s leading nation will evolve. The ripples of consequence from a win for either candidate will be profound, as how goes the USA so goes Western society.
Western Society has been in decline for some time now, at least throughout this century and now American citizens have a chance to continue that decline or reverse our destination.
We will continue to allow mass immigration or we will make sure it’s sustainable, legal and safe.
We will continue to allow gender insanity to become entrenched in our institutions or we will revert back to a common sense approach.
We will continue to convince our youth that they are born in an incorrect body and go on to encourage them to mutilate those bodies, or we will once again support our youth through natural phases of biology, growth and maturity and provide them with the emotional and mental support that they need as they do so.
We will continue to justify the massacre of our most innocent and vulnerable individuals within our society, the unborn child. This continued killing of unborn lives which is predominately seen as an inconvenience, will continue unabated up to and even after nine months will continue or instead, we will begin the process of changing direction on the greatest calamity in human history.
We will continue to project an image of weakness to our enemies, kowtowing to their whims and desires or we will become a beacon of strength to defend traditional Western values.
We will continue to delude ourselves about the greatest con inflicted upon society with the Climate Change/Global warming scam moving ahead at pace or we will return to sensible environmental and energy policy.
We will continue to promote the stupid and useless with DEI insanity or we will return to rewarding the best people for our jobs or roles.
We will continue to find victimhood within our culture and history or realise that culture and history has delivered us to this point in time where a person of any colour and creed can achieve any dream of which they are capable.
We will continue to turn a blind eye to faith groups that promote hatred, discrimination and violence or we will return to the doctrines of Jesus Christ and embrace love, compassion and forgiveness.
We will continue to allow men to claim they are women and boys to claim to be girls just so they can play female sports to achieve false tributes and infamy to satisfy their vain narcissism.
We can continue to sit back and watch a growing Big Brother censorship state that empowers governments to oppress and manipulate any views, speech or opinion that they may find inconvenient or instead we can decide to “actually’ embrace free speech, opinion and assembly.
We can continue to allow and support the war machine within the West to engage in illegitimate wars and in doing so delegitimise military action where it is both moral and necessary, or we can ensure our military industry complex reverts back to being a servant of the public instead of lording over it.
We will continue to allow unelected organisations such as the WEF, UN and WHO to dictate policies to sovereign nations, recruiting politicians into their fold and policy dogma, who will then go on to ignore the desires of the citizens whom they have sworn an oath to serve. Or will we do whatever is necessary to fireproof our societies from these unrepresentative demons who see the populations of our Western nations as nothing more than serfs to serve their desires.
We can continue to sabotage our economies with woke policy-making and ballooning bureaucracies or we can return to small government that encourages business, enterprise, ingenuity, entrepreneurship and industry.
All of the above and more are at risk, and it can be summarised quite simply; will society continue down the path of evil or reverse course and embrace as much good as we can?
All of this is at stake this week and only a Trump win can avert an express decline of Western society. Hopefully, our American cousins can see past some “hurty” words and do what is best for them and more importantly what is best for Western nations and the world more generally.
If it doesn’t, then it’s no exaggeration to say that evil forces are waiting to pounce.