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In our ANZACS footsteps it’s time to fight oppression once more
During covid-19 I played around with my own online publication. My government had shut down my business and I was ...
Good people staying quiet is no longer an option.
Good people staying quiet is no longer an option. The definition of fascism in the Cambridge dictionary is"a political system ...
Time for a change
If the right model emerges, I will be shouting Republic! Republic! Albert Einstein's famous line: "Insanity is doing the same ...
truth spin and propaganda
Truth, Spin and Propaganda. As I work predominately from home I am in the fortunate situation of being able to ...
A Tale of two Twitters
A tale of two twitters! Over the past fortnight, I have experienced a roller coaster ride of all that is ...
Patriotism or Oppression
Vaccine Passports - The real choice is one between Patriotism and Oppression. Why I wont be getting the jab. Recently ...
Crimes or Science Its a thin wedge.
The Australian Government is making up science in order to commit MASSIVE crimes. Crimes or Science? It’s a thin wedge ...
Do we have a leader in the building?
Do we have a leader in the building? If you watched a speech given by Anthony Albanese in Federal parliament this week ...
The journey to incompetence.
The journey to incompetence. All forms of the Australian government have completely mismanaged COVID for eighteen months. They are now ...
What Comes Next
First Vaccine Passports, then what follows? Without many noticing it, the national debate has progressed past pro-vaccination versus anti-vaccination, it ...
Who wears Tin Foil hats now?
Who is wearing the tin foil hats now? Over the past eighteen months, you would have heard all the sledges ...
Our governments are committing terrorist acts against us!
Our governments are committing terrorist acts against us! To take away the joys of life must be one of the ...
NewsletterEdition #2 – 20th July, 2021
July 20th, 2021AN ONLINE NEWSLETTER FOR CONSERVATIVE DISCUSSION, DEBATE AND OPINIONS. A forum where ALL opinions are welcomed, discussed and debated, not ...
Cowards or Leaders
We have cowards, not leaders. We have cowards, not leaders.What is good leadership? What makes a good leader? Do we ...
heartbeats and brainwaves
OF HEARTBEATS AND BRAINWAVES Protecting the unborn as best we can (Author's note: I'm an American. I'm not familiar with ...
If you can’t see their contempt, then you are not looking
If you can’t see their contempt then you are not looking Ever since we first heard of Covid-19 and the ...
Is it too much to ask?
Is it too much to ask that our country comes to its senses? Is it too much to ask that ...
Why Freedom is not free at all
I was raised to believe that through the sacrifice of my forefathers I lived in a country that embraced freedoms ...
Morrison is reading the last rights of The Liberal Party Party of Australia.
The Liberal Party that had so dominated the Australian political scene to that point was replaced by an imposter, a ...
Trust in politicians, why would you?
The Age newspaper & ABC writer “Casey Briggs” wrote a curious article just before New Years claiming people had regained ...