Is it too much to ask?
Is it too much to ask that our country comes to its senses? Is it too much to ask that the liberty and freedom that we knew as young kids and young adults growing up can be returned for our next generations to enjoy? Is it too much to ask that one day we can respect our politicians, judges, police and health experts as good and decent people even if they are sometimes flawed?
Is it too much to ask that everybody who can work does and that everybody who wants a job can finds one? Is it too much to ask that we have a competent government and bureaucracy that governs the country with integrity, that manages our economy and finances with appropriate constraint and puts in a plan to eliminate our nation’s collective debt? Is it too much to ask that our government comes up with policies and plans to bring industry, manufacturing and jobs back to this country?
Is it too much to ask that we have governments that stare down culture wars, cancel culture, climate alarmism, the UN, and every woke issue that is designed to cause fear, division and hysteria amongst our community?
Is it too much to ask for politicians and governments to stand up for family values instead of slowly destroying them? Is it too much to ask for a society to regard our unborn children as the gifts they truly are from God (whomever you consider that to be) instead of an inconvenience that we target for destruction to maintain our vain lives?
Is it too much to ask for a country that utilises its strengths and ensure whoever we allow into this nation treats it with the respect it deserves and embraces its culture and way of life? Is too much to have a society that respects and honours its history while recognising we have acknowledged our faults and done our best to rectify them so we can all move forward united into a bright future?
Is it too much to ask to have a society that recognises the power of the individual, to value each person for who they are, their ambition, their desire, their hard work and their achievements as opposed to judging them their skin colour or what section of the community they see themselves as belonging to?
Is too much to ask that people can express an opinion or point of view without having spite and hatred spewed at them? is it too much to ask that traditional and historical concepts, words and culture can be embraced, respected and preserved as opposed to mocked and targeted for removal?
Is it too much to ask that our nation’s sovereignty is respected and defended as opposed to being sold out to overseas interests? Is it too much to ask that our government builds armed forces that can defend our nation from our enemies both foreign and domestic?
Is it too much to ask that our nation, its politicians, our governments and our society as a whole will allow its citizens to live the lives they want, build the businesses they have dreamed and worked towards, gained the jobs of their desire and be in a position to create the wealth they are capable of? Is it too much to ask that allow those same citizens to provide our next generations with a feeling of hope, belief and excitement about their futures?
Is it too much to ask that our politicians and governments don’t contemplate introducing discriminatory laws against any Australian citizen simply because they made an informed choice that our government disagrees with?
Is it too much to ask that politicians and bureaucrats make decisions that reflect the hearts and conscience of the society they represent, before denying a family a proper funeral for their eight-year-old son?
Is any of this really too much to ask? When the answer is yes to any of these questions we have lost our soul as a nation.
Is it too much to ask that I hope this is not the case? I certainly hope it’s not.