July 20th, 2021

A forum where ALL opinions are welcomed, discussed and debated, not cancelled.

Australia no longer has a major political party that embraces conservative values. In consideration of this we have decided to produce this newsletter which is designed to share conservative articles, opinions, interviews and more so people who embrace conservative values have a forum to share their voice.
Even more importantly we will be encouraging our subscribers and followers to get out amongst their respective communities to share why being a conservative is so very important for the future of this nation.
Finally we hope that through this newsletter we can bring pressure to bear on our political servants to also once again embrace conservative values and to even assist and support the election and re-election of those whose values align with our own.
Opinion  – We offer opinion articles other publications wont, not to offend, but to promote debate, discussion and resolution. we publish all legitimate opinions pieces. Why not send in yours!
We have cowards not leaders?
By Bob Mann
We have cowards, not leaders.
What is good leadership? What makes a good leader? Do we have any good leaders in this country at the moment?
How many times have you heard our political leaders say “We’re basing our decisions on the science” or “We’re following the health advice of the experts”?
How many times have you read about focus groups and polling companies in relation to politics especially around election time?
Is leadership really about handballing problems to others so you can throw them under the bus when things go wrong? Is leadership about having your values and policies defined by anonymous groups and companies that can manipulate data and results, rather than what you really believe in?………….Read more
The open secret Ash Barty knows – but the Australian cricket team doesn’t
By Dave Pellowe
ASH BARTY has a secret which endears her, win or lose, to nearly every person in Australia.
Too few athletes can navigate the temptations of the pedestals lent them by their sporting prowess with this simple wisdom as deftly as Ash Barty wields her racquet.
Ash never tells probing journalists what her politics are, and doesn’t lend her name or influence to any divisive agenda………..Read more
Protecting the unborn as best we can 
by Les Govment
(Author’s note: I’m an American. I’m not familiar with Australian law, but I am, of course, familiar with legislative and constitutional processes in the US. My article below should be taken with that in mind– Les)
Throughout my adult years, I have written dozens of letters-to-the-editor that were published, and several op-eds that were published, as well. As I recall, I wrote about abortion only once.
My reasons for not writing much about abortion years ago were threefold: First, my beliefs about abortion fluctuated through my 20’s and 30’s. Secondly, being male and single, I expected that I was never going to have to face the issue of abortion in my personal life– so I felt that whatever I believed about abortion wasn’t very important. Finally, I felt that babies that got aborted were probably better off than if they were born into situations where they were so unwanted……………Read more
Past Article – Here’s an opinion piece from earlier this year – Enjoy!
Have we seen the sequel of the Reichstag Fire and the arrival of Big Tech Fascism?
Nazi analogies should be used sparingly, but are often abused in the regularity of their use. Personally, I am extremely reluctant 
to use them, yet the events of the past week ensures it’s difficult to do anything but.

While mainstream media simply focuses on Twitter banning Trump. Virtually none of them are not reporting on the purging of millions of accounts on their platform who have conservative views or are supportive of Trump or both……Read More

From the Net – People to follow on the Net.
Nicola Charles – aka Charles in Charge!
Nicola is a great person to follow who also produces her ow podcast. She has opinions and is not scared to air them in these troubled times. Most importantly she provides a narrative you won’t receive from our Mainstream Media.
Follow her on twitter via @nicola1charles and through her podcast at Spotify

CLICK HERE for an example of some of her most recent work which we will feature each week.

Damian Coory!
Nicola is a conservative voice who provides your weekly shortcut to Australia’s best commentary. Each week, in around 30 minutes, Damian Coory summarises the best conservative political commentary for Australians. Give him a follow and a listen!
How to follow Damian
On his website CLICK HERE
On Facebook CLICK HERE
Time for a laugh from the Net 
Are you a parent to teenage boys?
A great skit by a Dad about his teenage boys and their tendencies at home.
If you ever have had to deal with quirks and personalities of older teenage sons or boys you will definitely relate to this video while getting a laugh at the same time.
CLICK HERE to check it out.
Dogs Talking
Ever wonder what a dog is thinking when they are looking out the window at other dogs?
This skit take an amusing look at it which had me in stitches all weekend. Warning: Language that may be offensive to some is used in this video.
If you can handle that then CLICK HERE to check it out.
The Last Supper during Lockdown
Found this great cartoon showing what would happen if the Last Supper was conducted in Daniel Andrews modern Victoria.
Next Edition – Check out what we have coming up.
Time to take the fight to them?
Instead of being dictated to from our politicians, we have decided it’s time to take our fight for our liberties and freedoms to them. After all they are paid by us and swear an oath to serve their constituents.
So we will be writing to every Federal and State MP and the Liberal mp’s in particular and asking why they are respecting the values listed on their own website.

We will also be visiting offices of members and parliament to endeavour to arrange sit down interviews with them. It’s time to get on the front foot!

Is something amiss in W.A.?
We have had an interesting piece of information forwarded to us by a subscriber about what may be a breach of the West Australian constitution by the West Australian. government.
We will look at this and explore whether there is any wider implications nationally.
Support us so we can continue to grow.

To make this initiative work we will be relying on the kind support of contributors and sponsors. If you believe in what we are doing then please consider supporting our efforts by making either a one-off or a monthly donation.

Even if you shout us the equivalent of a cup of coffee or a beer once a month, every little bit counts. We are in the fight of our lives for the future of our country and our liberties, so anything you can to do to support our worthy efforts will be greatly appreciated.
You can donate directly to our CBA account online with the below details:
BSB: 063–126 Account Number:1051 2401
Alternatively click on the button on the top right to contribute to our efforts via credit/debit card.
Do you have a service to barter?

In these difficult times businesses are low on revenue and cash flow making it difficult to pay for services or advertising. We are prepared to show some initiative for any business who would like to take advantage of our services and we are more than prepared to enter into a bartering arrangement for  any business that can provide a service that we would be interested in.

For example services that we are currently looking for include Dentists, Mechanics, Accountants, especially tax accountants, and auto electricians. We are though willing to talk to any business about potential bartering arrangements. If you’re interested, send us your proposal to the email address listed below.

Does your son or daughter wants to improve their basketball skills then Click Here to find out how.

Does your business need a website, need your current one revamped, does it need social media pages put together or an email campaign completed Click Here to get all this and more for your business at a price to suit your budget.

Do you have an opinion article you would like to get published?

Disagree with one of our articles? Do you have an article you would like published? Then let us know by Clicking Here

Register here to ensure your support
Sign-Up for our e-mail newsletter
The easiest way to keep up to date with our opinion articles, interviews and a is to sign up via our website. You can go to our website by Clicking Here
You can also follow us via our social media platforms by clicking on any or all of the logos below.